
Radio Diary

 *refer to this for statistics                                                                                                            14 Oct 2022

not final Logo by Sanjaya

1.  Radio genre: Rock+Metal

Based on the survey, we find that there is a market for alt rock+metal radio

2. Radio name: Buaya FM

- Based on a band Niki B and Dhera is in

- Crocodiles are quite rock n' roll right?

3. Radio transition

  • Welcome to Buaya FM (car crash sirens), where we keep crockin rockin (chomp fx)

  • Prepare to get your ears chomped off (Nuclear blast)

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setup main template of radio

Jingle (30sec)
Intro (short) (30sec)
Song  (2.30) - Transition
News (Day news) (1:30) (Niki)
Song (2.30) - Transition
News (MMA) (1:30) (Sanjaya)
Ad (30sec-1min) - Transition
Guess the band by lyrics (5:00) (accept phone call) (Teh Pucuk)

                                                                                                                                28 oct 2022

Got tutorial on how to use studio equipment. We were taught to use the radio room by Wario, however he was out of costume when Dhera and Sanjaya were taking photos

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Recorded the radio, forgot to record the jingle
only photo we had because we had to rush, another group finished late and ate up our time

Nov 4 2022
Start early editing

Example: Audacity file for buaya intro

Sometime in November,
Logo research, did Slosh interview

Finished editing

completing blog and criteria

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