
Jason's editing experience

 this post is about the visual effects used and how it was edited - Jason's Post


Because my computer is basically a Potato, I decided to edit where I got editing lessons ESDA Denpasar.

Job 1: The Drone Shot

the raw video

what we want to do

Step 1: Search youtube for solutions
This was far above my editing capabilities so far. Luckily I found this!

 so boom boom copy copy

I applied the camera tracker and added text with the decided font: Overwave []

While doing this we wanted to slightly edit the font

1. Baron wanted it to blend more with the wall

2. Gemi wanted it to be pure white

I had an idea to add glow to it

We ended up liking this one so we used it

After that I masked the text so it wont spillover and it left us with this:

So I uploaded it to Google Drive and Gemi can continue editing

Time spent: 1 Hour

Job 2: El Higho End Scene

The Idea was to have the El Higho text appear and shake in time with Gemi's cough which would be dubbed later on by Gemi. There is a problem with the rendering which caused audio to be sped up.

I learnt how to this at my lessons beforehand. Its just keyframes :) 

the raw video

But first we have to make sure the font looks good!

We chose the Doctor Punk font for it []

1. Default

2. Niki wanted to invert colors and make thicker outlines which looked like this

we thought the outlines were too thick so...

boom, everyone liked it :)
At this point in time, there was a conflict of ideas

1. Niki wanted the text to appear one by one. [so "El" then "High" then "-O"] which looked like this:
2. Gemi wanted the text to enlarge and spin like this:

They compromised and decided to do both ideas at once and asked to make it faster becuase they thought the enlargement was "awkward"

Niki sent some drawings to help me

So we chop-chop edit and.....
Got approval from the crew and we move on

Time Spent: 2 Hours

Job 3: The Alleyway Transition

For a smooth transition we decided that the background behind Javier Raton should disappear as he walks
raw vid

This uses roto brush. Simple!

A roto brush tutorial for context

I turned the background to green so that it would work like a greenscreen when Gemi edits the final version. I was forced to make the video more zoomed in so it would work [discussed w/ Gemi about this beforehand]

So we got this:
and approved

Time Taken: 2.5 hours for 5 second video

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