


1. "The Evil Within 2"(2017) - Staging and Composition

The scene shows a girl watching a man from a moderate distance. Her sitting position in the scene suggests that she is obedient to the man and feels "lower" than him. The distance between her and the man may be used to show her weakness and inferiority to the power of the man. This also sets up or foreshadows the importance that these 2 characters may be to the storyline. At this point of the game, the girl is already identified as the daughter of the main character. This further mystifies and strengthens the importance of the man as a character that has the potential to severely change the plot of the game

2. "Who Killed Captain Alex?: Uganda's First Action Movie"(2010) - Costume

The costumes used here are very contrasting. The camo outfit (left, Captain Alex's men)is heavily attributed to the military or an organised militia group. Meanwhile the brightly colored outfit (right, Tiger Mafia mercenary) suggests that they are part of an unorganised movement due to the outfit being incredibly disadvantageous for gunfights -especially because the color contrasts with the background. The bullet belt and bandana can be used to display his strength within the mafia when it comes to combat as it radiates macho energy. This is further cemented by the difference in gun size. The costume may show that Captain Alex's soldiers are well organised but ill-equiped compared to the heavily armed and disorganised Tiger Mafia.

3."The Pursuit of Happyness"(2006) - Set Design
The set here shows Chris Gardner and his son Christopher in a public bathroom. The set shows Chris Gardner taking care of his child who is sleeping on a bed of toilet paper. The set design shows the desperation of Chris as a parent to take care of his child right after going homeless. The set puts the bone density scanner - now a symbol of poor financial decisions, the characters and their belongings all in one frame. 

4. "Outlast"(2013) - Props

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