
Research targeting audiences

Targeting audience


South Park [South Park Studios + Paramount+] V Mickey Mouse [Disney

South Park: The Pandemic Special [2020] South Park Studios, Paramount + vs Mickey Mouse [disney]

Mickey mouse breaks his normal conventions and is potrayed as a druggy and sex addict who runs disney world with an iron fist.

May be used to attract people of negative readings of Mickey Mouse

Intertextuality in this case is satirical

Genre Theory

The Last of Us Part 1 [2013] V The Evil Within 2 [2017]

2013, Naughty Dog, Sony Entertainment
2017, Tango Gameworks, Bethesda Softworks, known as Psychobreak in Japan

Genre theory [Steve Neale]: 
1. Conform enough to the conventions of a genre in order to be recognisable. 

2. Subvert the conventions of a genre so as not to appear too repetitive, boring. 

- Both are in survival horror genre
- Both deal with a father-daughter relationship
- Both have limited ammunition, crafting materials, zombies
- Both have near-identical combat systems and HUDS
- Both main characters have an redemption arc

- TLOU explores human relations further, more emotional
- TLOU deals with a world that is plausible in reality
- TLOU gives a companion 
- TLOU has a closed world
- All enemies are killable

- TEW2 is partially open world
- TEW2 set in virtual mind experiment
- TEW2 has supernatural elements
- TEW2 has an excessive amount of gore
- TEW2 explores further into psychological horror

TEW2 was produced with TLOU in mind. Tango designed the game to be more similar to The Last of Us than its predecessor which had far more action. The goal of this was to attract more of the survival horror genre's audience and so they reduced a lot of the action [which broke conventions for a survival horror game] and imitated TLOU's stealth system [mostly strangling in TLOU while its stabbing in TEW2].  TEW2 reverted the main genre breaking convention of the prequel to be more recgonisable in the survival horror genre. To further target TLOU's audience, they rewrote the main protagonist, Sebastian Castellanos, to be more like TLOU's protagonist, Joel Miller. They even wrote the story to take on a similar theme of reviving a father-daughter relationship. Joel became Ellie's surrogate father over their journey in TLOU while Sebastian was trying to save Lily Castellanos from the STEM system. They also added segments where the player is more powerless by removing the use of  firearms or combat against supernatural enemies of deeper STEM such as the Anima. This helped them back into the normalities of Survival horror. As to not look identical to TLOU, they had to break other conventions, they made the game open-world for a majority of the game. They also  reused alot of the body horror and gore from the first game which was excessive for a survival horror game.

Demographics + Psychographics

Gender: Girls, there are jokes which men could not relate to [henchmen with nail paint]. Cast is majority female, glitter impact font, purple logo [feminine color/cultural code], hearts are everywhere
Age: Children. bubbly-eyed cartoon characters
Class: middle class [nail paint joke]
Nation: English speaking audience
Ethnicity: N/A
Education: N/A
Religion: N/A
Political Allegiance: N/A
Region: N/A
Star Appeal: SIA as Songbird Serenade [even has her hair]

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