
Behind the scenes of "El High-o"

This post is about the filming of El High-O by Jason

Behind The Scenes of Filming

First and foremost, special thanks to:

We decided that day 1 of shooting should happen on 15 Feb 2023

We started with filming the drone scene:

Lets Play "Where's Jason?"

On the same day we recorded the first drug trade. Because I had no role in that scene, I flew the drone to get a good alternative shot which ended up becoming a cut for a title.

Me preparing the drone as they tried getting the shot down

We also filmed the scenes with hired actor: Mr Taras Sagarda.

Day 2, 16 Feb 23

On the morning of that day we decided to practice som of the shots that we were gonnna do with Mr. Ben during media class with Mr. Nick
Mr Nick drawing some of his ideas for us

Us practicing a low angle 

At 3:30 we met with Mr Ben to start filming his scenes
Us showung Mr. Ben his script, role and making sure that he remembers his lines

Example of a video we got with Mr Ben

Day 3, 17 Feb 23

We started the day with some McDonald's

We then proceeded to record the ending scene with Gus's Camera.
Gus's Camera

Example of a clip that we got on that day

Unfortunately Baron had to go home so we hit the cinema to watch Ant Man. It also meant that we had to record again and quickly to save time for editing.

I went home because I didn't have money to watch, I just bought Mixue for my sister and left

Day 3, 22 Feb 23

We could not document much as it we were out in the open at school. Phones are heavily restricted and some of us have previously been punished for using it. The camera was fine to use but we focused on filming

attempt at handshake scene

This is the one we decided to use

We first tried the handshake in the car. Many parents could've been watching us so we had to be incredibly discreet. I was hiding in the building because I was bringing the weed prop and didn't want to get seen by parents.

Once the area was empty we could then commence on a scene where the car had to back away quickly, which would be impossible during pick-up peak traffic.

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