
Radio: The Editing Experience


This is a overview of what I go through in editing, in this case, this is a sample audio which we will go through.. Here I will dissect the editing process used.

The first part of  making a jingle is to write a script or idea. In this case I was inspired by a video on youtube originating from 4chan greentext which I found funny. Conveniently, it was also meant for the rock genre so it was easy to take inspiration from it

What we ended up with:
Welcome to Buaya FM (car crash sirens), where we keep crockin rockin (chomp fx) Prepare to get your ears chomped off (Nuclear blast)

How to make your jingle:
1. Look for the sound effects on the internet, example:
2. Hit record on audacity and record the speaking parts [first row on the screenshot]
3. Seperate the parts and leave the parts for the sound effects silent
4. Insert the sound effects on the bottom row
5. Cut the sound effects to fit in between the speaking parts
6. Use amplify tool to balance the volume

BOOM! were done with the jingle. For other parts of the radio, SFX can be replaced with the bed and the editing process is very similar to what we have looked at

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