
Research targeting audiences

Targeting audience


South Park [South Park Studios + Paramount+] V Mickey Mouse [Disney

South Park: The Pandemic Special [2020] South Park Studios, Paramount + vs Mickey Mouse [disney]

Mickey mouse breaks his normal conventions and is potrayed as a druggy and sex addict who runs disney world with an iron fist.

May be used to attract people of negative readings of Mickey Mouse

Intertextuality in this case is satirical

Genre Theory

The Last of Us Part 1 [2013] V The Evil Within 2 [2017]

2013, Naughty Dog, Sony Entertainment
2017, Tango Gameworks, Bethesda Softworks, known as Psychobreak in Japan

Genre theory [Steve Neale]: 
1. Conform enough to the conventions of a genre in order to be recognisable. 

2. Subvert the conventions of a genre so as not to appear too repetitive, boring. 

- Both are in survival horror genre
- Both deal with a father-daughter relationship
- Both have limited ammunition, crafting materials, zombies
- Both have near-identical combat systems and HUDS
- Both main characters have an redemption arc

- TLOU explores human relations further, more emotional
- TLOU deals with a world that is plausible in reality
- TLOU gives a companion 
- TLOU has a closed world
- All enemies are killable

- TEW2 is partially open world
- TEW2 set in virtual mind experiment
- TEW2 has supernatural elements
- TEW2 has an excessive amount of gore
- TEW2 explores further into psychological horror

TEW2 was produced with TLOU in mind. Tango designed the game to be more similar to The Last of Us than its predecessor which had far more action. The goal of this was to attract more of the survival horror genre's audience and so they reduced a lot of the action [which broke conventions for a survival horror game] and imitated TLOU's stealth system [mostly strangling in TLOU while its stabbing in TEW2].  TEW2 reverted the main genre breaking convention of the prequel to be more recgonisable in the survival horror genre. To further target TLOU's audience, they rewrote the main protagonist, Sebastian Castellanos, to be more like TLOU's protagonist, Joel Miller. They even wrote the story to take on a similar theme of reviving a father-daughter relationship. Joel became Ellie's surrogate father over their journey in TLOU while Sebastian was trying to save Lily Castellanos from the STEM system. They also added segments where the player is more powerless by removing the use of  firearms or combat against supernatural enemies of deeper STEM such as the Anima. This helped them back into the normalities of Survival horror. As to not look identical to TLOU, they had to break other conventions, they made the game open-world for a majority of the game. They also  reused alot of the body horror and gore from the first game which was excessive for a survival horror game.

Demographics + Psychographics

Gender: Girls, there are jokes which men could not relate to [henchmen with nail paint]. Cast is majority female, glitter impact font, purple logo [feminine color/cultural code], hearts are everywhere
Age: Children. bubbly-eyed cartoon characters
Class: middle class [nail paint joke]
Nation: English speaking audience
Ethnicity: N/A
Education: N/A
Religion: N/A
Political Allegiance: N/A
Region: N/A
Star Appeal: SIA as Songbird Serenade [even has her hair]

How to use the Radio room at school


Mr. Wayan teaching us how to connect a phone to record

Basics of recording:

Male connectors go into Female connectors

This will be used to connect one part of the hardware to another

Step 2: hit record on audacity.

couldn't be put more simply

Cricitcal self reflection Radio


final logo by Niki B

Go ahead, press play [may take time to load]

[edited by Jason, script written by Jason, Sanjaya, Niki B]
[Mr Nick said that he was not sure about the "Rent a Girlfriend" ad/joke, Team ruled it appropriate after majority win in votings]

[Video by Niki B]

Songs Used

Shokran [2016] "Revival of Darkness". On "Exodus" 
Retrieved from

System of a Down [2001] "Chop Suey". On "Toxicity" 
Retrieved from

Pantera [1994]  "Five Minutes Alone".  On "Far Beyond Driven"
Retrieved  from

Eric Carmen, Sergei Rachmaninoff [1975] "All by Myself" [performed by Celine Dion, 1996]. on "Falling into You"
Retrieved from

Nicole Zefanya (NIKI) [2022] "High School in Jakarta" [cover by Dio Henda, 2022]. on "Nicole"
Retrieved from

Sergei Prokofiev [Premier 1938] Romeo and Juliet, Op. 64 - Act 1 - Balcony Scene - Romeo's Variation - Love Dance [Performed by Cleveland Orchestra]. On "Prokofiev: Romeo and Juliet"
Retrieved from

Andrew J. Ridgeley, George Michael [1984] "Careless Whisper" [Performed by Seether, 2007]. On  "Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces"
Retrieved from

Radio: Logo development by a man with 0 drawing or art skills


Buaya FM is a rock-metal radio station, so I looked at thrash metal logos. I find the way that the Anthrax and Slayer Logos are written best out of all as they seem sharp and edgy

These are logos of progressive metal bands. I find myself liking the crest on Dream Theater’s Logo, perhaps it could be used as a single logo that carries the brand of the radio…

I find myself not liking the Text-in-a-box logos. It seemed a little bland to me, however I do like the heartbeats under RELAPSE Records, perhaps we could put a crocodile under it

I find the Everglow logo and Aespa Logo most recognizable, perhaps a form like this can be used as a secondary logo, similar to how metallica has the extra ninja star logo

Logo development at class, chosen design is marked with [this->]

Radio: The Editing Experience


This is a overview of what I go through in editing, in this case, this is a sample audio which we will go through.. Here I will dissect the editing process used.

The first part of  making a jingle is to write a script or idea. In this case I was inspired by a video on youtube originating from 4chan greentext which I found funny. Conveniently, it was also meant for the rock genre so it was easy to take inspiration from it

What we ended up with:
Welcome to Buaya FM (car crash sirens), where we keep crockin rockin (chomp fx) Prepare to get your ears chomped off (Nuclear blast)

How to make your jingle:
1. Look for the sound effects on the internet, example:
2. Hit record on audacity and record the speaking parts [first row on the screenshot]
3. Seperate the parts and leave the parts for the sound effects silent
4. Insert the sound effects on the bottom row
5. Cut the sound effects to fit in between the speaking parts
6. Use amplify tool to balance the volume

BOOM! were done with the jingle. For other parts of the radio, SFX can be replaced with the bed and the editing process is very similar to what we have looked at

Radio research

 Radio X

- listened during Izzy Panayis show 4am british time

- Heavy metal bed good for buaya

- Chains of advertisements

- Heard a backstreet boy parody - good idea for ad/gag

- 1 speaker

Suara Sunari - Rock and Breakfast program 7-10

- Synth based jingle - too old-timey

- Unbalanced song volumes between older reccords and more modern ones

- VERY LONG CHAIN OF SONGS  no ad, no jingle, no transition for 20mins

-  1 speaker

Phoenix Radio

- Yamaha top 40 list, played full the top 5 songs

- Barely any ads, only transisitons

- not much talking

Agenda Setting, Media Gatekeepers

Agenda Setting, Media Gatekeepers

 News stories are selected based on;

1. Negativity

‘Hard’ News - bad news will almost always be prioritised. 

2. Proximity

Things that happen close to home (domestic news) or that involve people from a local area.

3. Recency 

“Breaking News’

4. Currency

The ‘value’ of a story. If it is useful for people. 

5. Continuity

Stories that are likely to continue for a long time.

6. Simplicity

The easier the story is to understand, the better. 

7. Personality

Often ‘soft’ news surrounds personalities in whom the public has an interest eg. Royal family, celebrities, athletes

8. Uniqueness

If a story is unusual or surprising 

9. Expectedness

Includes diary events - things that happen at a particular time of the year. 

10. Elite nations/people

Western societies such as European countries and the USA will tend to dominate the news. 

11. Exclusivity

When a news channel has footage or information that is not yet in possession of others. 

12. Threshold

How many people are impacted on by an event. Brand of TV-Novosti, founded by RIA Novosti (State owned non-profit)

Story: Russia warns US and UK about Ukraine's 'dirty bomb' plans
Category: Negativity, Proximity (for Russians), Threshold (for Russians), continuity (Ukraine war), Elite Nations/People (Russia, UK, USA)

Story: Kanye West dropped by talent agency
Category: Negativity, Elite Nations/People, Personality, Simplicity, Recency

NHS says most trans kids are going through a "phase"
Category: Uniqueness owned by Chinese State Administration of Radio, Film and Television

Story: Hong Kong 25 years on
Categories: Currency, Elite Nations/People, Proximity (China)  
Story: 20th CPC National Congres

Barthes' 5 and Levi Strauss's Binarry Opposites (What We Do In The Shadows S1E01)


What We Do In The Shadows S1E01

Levi Strauss’s theory of Binary Opposites

1 Servant v Master (Master wins?)

In the first episode, we see the dynamic between the vampires and their familiars which creates a servant v master situation where Guillermo has been working hard in order to impress his vampire masters. Guillermo hopes he can get something out of the situation as he wants to become a vampire himself. In the end, all was in vain as his wishes are unfulfilled because Nandor forgets that it is his 10 year anniversary of becoming his familiar - He also receives no consolation for this.

2 Illusion v Reality

The vampires were seen to be living in a world of illusion. This is especially evident in Baron Afanas who is so disconnected with reality that he thinks that Staten Island is the throne to the New World. Another person who was affected by this is Nadja, who believes that a random man is the reincarnation of Gregor and also expects him to retain memories from the mediaeval period

3 Human v Vampire

It may seem like that vampires have a superiority complex over humans, causings them to treat them as mere servants, food or objects. An example is Lazslo and Nadja deciding to outright murder someone on the streets. Another example is Nandor saying “Vampires only laugh”. Perhaps another example could be the discrimination against the most human vampire - Colin Robinson.

Barthes’ 5 Narrative Codes


  • Mansion intro with mandolin playing in the background

  • What do the vampires look like?

  • What's inside the letter?

  • Who is Baron Afanas?

  • What will Baron Afanas and the vampires do to conquer Staten Island?


  • Almost-human family dynamic, like a father with 2 hard to control children

  • Gregor’s “reincarnation”


  • Baron Afanas: He becomes a symbol of the evil in vampires as he is associated with conquest

  • Nandor’s glitter obsession may become a symbol of ignorance

  • “Vampire only ___” as a symbol of superiority that vampires feel


  • Western romance dynamics

  • Vampire costumes being stereotypical

  • LARPing


  • Vampire Waking

  • Capture and murder of “virgins”

  • Sudden murder of a man in the park

  • Opening the letter

  • Waking Baron Afanas

  • Going Shopping

identities: kpop w/ Niki B + Sanjaya


Dress Code:

  • Colorful

  • Designer clothing

  • Dyed perfect hair

How has the identity been constructed? (examples)

  • The identity of these diehard kpop fans has been constructed by them idolising these celebrities and wanting to be like them, from the way their hair looks all the way to the shape of their eyes, face, body, and even their personalities.

What are the readings of the text?

  • Preferred Reading: 

    • KPOP fans who adore how their idols look

    • People in the fashion business affected by new standards

  • Oppositional Reading:

  • People who don't like kpop

  • “This is so unrealistic”

What effect does this have on the audience?

Some people who idolise these celebrities and adore their looks may put effort in to look better, to mimic their style and develop their own identity, but sometimes they happen to copy them too much to the point that it seems unnatural to their own cultural, visual and behavioural identity.

Radio Diary

 *refer to this for statistics                                                                                                            14 Oct 2022

not final Logo by Sanjaya

1.  Radio genre: Rock+Metal

Based on the survey, we find that there is a market for alt rock+metal radio

2. Radio name: Buaya FM

- Based on a band Niki B and Dhera is in

- Crocodiles are quite rock n' roll right?

3. Radio transition

  • Welcome to Buaya FM (car crash sirens), where we keep crockin rockin (chomp fx)

  • Prepare to get your ears chomped off (Nuclear blast)

                                                                                                                                 21 oct 2022

setup main template of radio

Jingle (30sec)
Intro (short) (30sec)
Song  (2.30) - Transition
News (Day news) (1:30) (Niki)
Song (2.30) - Transition
News (MMA) (1:30) (Sanjaya)
Ad (30sec-1min) - Transition
Guess the band by lyrics (5:00) (accept phone call) (Teh Pucuk)

                                                                                                                                28 oct 2022

Got tutorial on how to use studio equipment. We were taught to use the radio room by Wario, however he was out of costume when Dhera and Sanjaya were taking photos

                                                                                                                                Nov 2 2022
Recorded the radio, forgot to record the jingle
only photo we had because we had to rush, another group finished late and ate up our time

Nov 4 2022
Start early editing

Example: Audacity file for buaya intro

Sometime in November,
Logo research, did Slosh interview

Finished editing

completing blog and criteria

Radio survey results as of 14-10-22 21.07

Survery Responses: 19

Interview topics that may interestyou? (leave as many as you like)15 responses
exposing ppl, drama
Why your dream may come true when u remember it
athletic topics
Games i guess?
Everything is interesting
Recent favorite song
How people overcome their addictions (any type of addiction)
I don’t have any
Music, Technology
crimes horror stuff and some up to date gossips
recent trends
School events
school stuff ig

News you may find interesting?14 responses
upcoming events, friendly matches, competitions, performances
Queen Elizabeth II has passed away
most news imo r boring
Scientific or archaeological breakthroughs/discoveries.
New crimes happening
World economy
idk news abt what the ketua dpr did ig its kind of interesting

Anything you hate about the radio?15 responses
no visual :(
The people cutting the song when they want to talk
music may not be as the same as i wanted
The MC's
The music
Don’t know, I don’t listen to the radio.
Too many ads
the ads
No interesting topics
sometimes putus putus
the ads
Not really
the static