

 Film Poster Critical Reflection

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

“The House” poster is racially diverse, it has people from multiple regions across the world from Latin America to Japan. This challenges the conventions of western-style comedy action movies where most characters are white or black apart from the one-off minority who are mostly used as a gimmick or stereotype (take Johnny English or Rush Hour for example). The North African setting challenges the norm of having movies take place in big well-known cities (think of any blockbuster movie). We hope that the racially diverse cast could pull people from multiple races and social groups together to feel the adrenaline and laugh together. We also decided to pull 2 contrasts together, the sweet and innocent nature of ice cream and the violence and anger in firearms, challenging the convention in action movies of their serious nature (especially for the antagonist)

How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?

The poster engages with audiences in multiple ways. The star appeal of the main cast should attract the attention of the public. The diverse cast could make them a hot topic in their own countries and bring communities of film lovers closer together as they talk about their favourite actors working together in a project. We want to encourage active audiences to use their imagination and try to guess the plot by leaving the poster quite open-ended in terms of interpretation. We also tried using desensitisation to scare off families. The provocatively dressed female on the right would be a harrowing sight for parents who are often offended by the slightest of revealing outfits. However teenagers, being more open to modernity, may be desensitised to the sight of females in revealing outfits and so be more willing to go to the cinema to watch it. The same may be true for the shirtless man. I took this into consideration after knowing what happened to “South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut” where parents thought it was an innocent cartoon only to be met by extremely inappropriate (sexual) comedy involving (sic) Saddam Hussein and Satan.

It could be distributed as real media through 20th Century Fox. A movie with many stars deserves publication from a big company like 20th Century Fox. I also chose them because they have a history of mass promoting EXTREMELY provocative movies such as Borat (which is incredibly sexist and antisemetic). It really depends on how far the jokes could go in the movies. It could lean more towards satire than general comedy. If the movie is headed towards a safer direction, Universal may be another option, especially because they are an extremely big name company which could further promote the movie.

How did your production skills develop throughout the project?

I didn’t really develop that much despite the fact that it is the most complex edit I have made on MS Word. Most of the things I did I have done before while making memes on the internet and edits of friends. So in conclusion, I don’t think I gained much

How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online – in this project?

Barely any hardware was used in this project. We used mostly software and online technologies on this project. I used software to edit and online to share with group mates and find resources. Other than that, nothing much happened. I just used MS Word to edit, Google Docs to share the poster with group mates (and friends for laughs), and Google Image Search to look for resources.

Advert HW (media literacy)

Advert 1: Minions and Mcdonald's

Target audience: Children and families

Codes: The appearance of the Minions characters who are already well associated with family entertainment helps suggest that it is targeted towards families. 

The light humor of the Minions (punching the bubble on the minion) further suggests that it is directed towards family as it shows the relaxed nature of the advertisement

Happy Children eating directly suggests the target audience as children and families as they suggest eating at McDonald’s is a fun and happy activity for the family

The Minion’s toy is used to attract children as the child is shown to be happy when he gets the minion toy as he is playing with it.

Advert 2: Gatorade

Target audience: Highschoolers and athletic people

Codes: The darker atmosphere may suggest that it is not for children

The ad is suggested to be located in an American Highschool which may further suggest the target age of the audiences

The display of performance in sports may attract athletes who are interested in sports as it may suggest improved performance after drinking it

The shot of the main character working out in the gym further suggests that the advert is athletic people

The tagline of the gatorade brand at the end further suggests the sportsy nature of the product

making of storyboard


Product: Ernie Ball Music Man: The 2022 John Petrucci Collection

About: 2022 models of the Sterling + Majesty 6,7 and the new Majesty 8

Media Language: White background, clean finish, lighting to show off paint job

Audience: Dream Theater + John Petrucci fanboys (basically anyone in Shred and Prog metal) (Further suggested by prog metal bgm)

Representation: Cliche John Petrucci guitars. Only weird thing probably being a natural finish on one of the guitars

Industry: High-end, High tech

Product: ICHI10

About: Playthrough of “Awakening”

Media Lang.: All white set

Audience: Ichita Niko fanboys

Representation: only Ichita and guitar

Industry: Mid-High end

Product: American Professional Series

About: Americans playing guitar

Media: Americans, cliche “rock star” image

Audience: slimy jimi hendrix fanboys

Representation: Americans, Children and Women playing guitar. All American imagery, from cowgirl to blm

Industry: Mid (they make the worst strats at this point)

comedy action poster development



Sub- Genre: Comedy Action (initial planning, evolved over poster construction)

Age : 15+

Gender : Male/Female
Social Class : Low - Middle up

Race : All race

Star appeal : Jason, Sheva,Sanjaya, Dhera, Niki B

Hobby : Comedian, people that have dumb humour.

Expectation     : A group of elite secret agents embark on a mission to crack down on the Turkish Ice Cream Mafia. The mission is compromised when Niki B gets captured by the mafia and taken to a dilapidated home in Northeast Africa. The rest of the team is forced to locate the house after getting intel and raid it to save their friend and end the mafia

Media Language :

Funny guy on the “house” on the title

Smiling ice cream guy to suggest more comedy

Group of guys on the bottom (kind of like 3 idiots) doing dumb poses with dumb secret agent costumes (pvz guy, fortnite bush, pizza delivery man, one in suit)

Sexy lady to appeal to more men (sex sells + clickbait)

Relatively bright colours (desert background, bright outfits)

Inspiration: (kept as link to avoid copyright)

Make it as stupid as possible, need to sell the comedy part of the movie (in our case without attracting families into the ciniema), action may be difficult to infuse.

poster breakdown



Man laying down:

US Troop:

Man holding gun(right):


AK47 silhouette:

Ice Cream(on title):


Turkish ice cream man:

Flying Ice cream:

Attractive female:

Buff guy:

Guy in bush suit:

Guy eating ice cream:

Old japanese man:




Fonts were supplied by Microsoft Word 2013

“THE” font: Cooper Std Black

“HOUSE” font: Bahnschrift SemiCondensed

“The mission must succeed un-cone-ditionally” font: Lucida Console

“Kakek Sugiono”, “Emily Willis” font: Copperplate Gothic Bold

comedy actionmster mock up


-LOW QUALITY PRODUCTION (Same as "Rush Hour", made the same complaint)
-Too "Family Friendly" (Need to be made more provocative, switch some of the actors and costumes on the poster) target audience sis 15+!