
Advert HW (media literacy)

Advert 1: Minions and Mcdonald's

Target audience: Children and families

Codes: The appearance of the Minions characters who are already well associated with family entertainment helps suggest that it is targeted towards families. 

The light humor of the Minions (punching the bubble on the minion) further suggests that it is directed towards family as it shows the relaxed nature of the advertisement

Happy Children eating directly suggests the target audience as children and families as they suggest eating at McDonald’s is a fun and happy activity for the family

The Minion’s toy is used to attract children as the child is shown to be happy when he gets the minion toy as he is playing with it.

Advert 2: Gatorade

Target audience: Highschoolers and athletic people

Codes: The darker atmosphere may suggest that it is not for children

The ad is suggested to be located in an American Highschool which may further suggest the target age of the audiences

The display of performance in sports may attract athletes who are interested in sports as it may suggest improved performance after drinking it

The shot of the main character working out in the gym further suggests that the advert is athletic people

The tagline of the gatorade brand at the end further suggests the sportsy nature of the product

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