
comedy action poster development



Sub- Genre: Comedy Action (initial planning, evolved over poster construction)

Age : 15+

Gender : Male/Female
Social Class : Low - Middle up

Race : All race

Star appeal : Jason, Sheva,Sanjaya, Dhera, Niki B

Hobby : Comedian, people that have dumb humour.

Expectation     : A group of elite secret agents embark on a mission to crack down on the Turkish Ice Cream Mafia. The mission is compromised when Niki B gets captured by the mafia and taken to a dilapidated home in Northeast Africa. The rest of the team is forced to locate the house after getting intel and raid it to save their friend and end the mafia

Media Language :

Funny guy on the “house” on the title

Smiling ice cream guy to suggest more comedy

Group of guys on the bottom (kind of like 3 idiots) doing dumb poses with dumb secret agent costumes (pvz guy, fortnite bush, pizza delivery man, one in suit)

Sexy lady to appeal to more men (sex sells + clickbait)

Relatively bright colours (desert background, bright outfits)

Inspiration: (kept as link to avoid copyright)

Make it as stupid as possible, need to sell the comedy part of the movie (in our case without attracting families into the ciniema), action may be difficult to infuse.

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