
Third Party Regulations (Dominion vs Fox News)

Dominion's voting machines


November 2020, USA election night. Presidential candidate Donald J. Trump was losing by a marginal amount. Despite that, Donald Trump would go on to claim victory of the election, citing Biden's win in the election is a complete fraud. He assembled his Lawyers, Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell to go to media outlets and spread the "News"

Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani went onto Fox News and openly blamed Dominion (the company producing voting machines in 28 states) for election fraud, they also claimed that it was owned by Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan leader who has been dead for years. In response Dominion, sues fox news for 1.6 billion dollars claiming defamation

Dominion used discovery to find out more about Fox as suing for defamation requires "actual malice". They found that Fox execs do not believe in the fraud but still pushes it to the news. This fully fit the criteria for Actual Malice. As a result, Fox was sued for $785.5 million

How effective is third party regulation?

Third party regulation may be ineffective as legal issues in order to sue or regulate are incredibly slow and could take years to process. It took Dominion 3 years to sue Fox

Why no US Law Section 230?

Fox was responsible for the content they publish

Should Fox be held accountable?


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