
Storyboard Production



 This is the storyboard that I (Niki B) drew up with the assistance of an art friend, Ilo, following the script that was written by Jason and Baron

Thumbnail production

 These are the initial sketches for our thumbnail ideas sketches were made together, blog assembled by Niki B.

Here are two thumbnails i took inspiration from for this concept

This is our final thumbnail

- The black room with the man behind a brightly lit screen is representative of how stereotypically, people like our main subject 'Steven', incels, are usually considered shut-ins who don't usually step out of their own room, hooked onto something on their screen/internet

- The spacing between MANN and DEMIC is a play on the word to show how this "man" (Steven) is separated from the people "demic". 

- The Tagline "Bridging the Divide" is our interpretation of this documentary, where we aim to explore this separation between man/woman as well as man/society, as to bring them together for this first patient.

- The crack on the screen signifies how he would be considered a 'broken' human being, straying away from the concept of society, no longer conforming to the idea that humans are social creatures.

- The Netflix logo on the top left is to show where our documentary would be released to be viewed by audiences.

Final Product Documentary

This post contains our final product and thumbnail

 This is our final product, if Youtube has taken it down, use this link:

This is our thumbnail:

This is how it would look like in an actual streaming service (located at (3,3)):

Thumbnail research


Bodyguard (2018)

- bold serious font stretching 1st-2nd thirds of the thumbnail

- opposite brightness on the halves of the screen

- Subject dominates right third of thumbnail

- Netflix trademark on top left

How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) (2019)

- Themathic font spanning half the thumbnail

- Subject on opposite half on text

- Opposing color on each half of thumbnail

- Netflix trademark on top left

- Subject looks at camera

- White text on darker background

Breaking Bad (2008)

- Subject takes centre of thumbnail

- Contains main character of the story

- Text dominates only right third of the thumbnail

- looks a lot like a screenshot

- white text on darker background (aided by shadow effect)

Bojack Horseman (2014)

- Subjects take entire focus

- font isolated on lower right third

- Font goes over top of subject

- Netflix trademark seen on top left

- Bright text on bright background

Cunk On Earth (2022)

- Font isolated on left half of thumbnail

- Subject isolated on right half of thumbnail

- Themathic backdrop summarising content

- Netflix trademark seen on top left

- Subject looks at camera

- dark text on bright background

Reflection: We decided to conform to a convention where we would have the text from our thumbnail dominate the middle and right side of our thumbnail with our subject taking the other part. We decided that the text should not go over the subject as it looks a bit dirty and unprofessional. 

We will subvert stereotypes by making our thumbnail very void of color. We find this necessary as we can use this as mis-en-scene to suggest the void of Steven's mind and how devoid he is of human interaction. Our subject will also not face the camera to also show this fact through mis-ens-scene

Target Audience

 This post contains the identification of target audience for the documentary. this was a collaboration of all members

Behind The Scenes - September 4

 September 04, 2023

This post describing the BTS of September 4 was made by Niki B


Here are behind the scenes pictures of our filming journey

Critical Self Reflection

How does your product represent social groups or issues?

An issue we decided to pick out from society are involuntary celibates. An issue now deeply connected with internet culture. We created a character named Steven who possesses the typical traits of an incel (mostly being terminally online) and we decided to exaggerate it to the extremes. We subverted typical representations of incels by making Steven a more aggressive character who has lost the humanity in him. We also made the decision to represent incel behaviour as a symptom of a disease. Unlike typical representations which argue that incel behaviour is self-induced. Instead we chose to represent them as more victims. Our media agenda is to raise awareness for incels and to show that they are not at fault for their own situation.

Steven’s character is shown to have developed extreme aggressive and antisocial behaviour. This is a satire of incel behaviour that we decided to use for comedy points. A preferred reading (Reception Theory - Stuart Hall) in this case would be a simple comedic interpretation, the Bufo Ferulabitus he caught is an extreme case. An oppositional reading to this is a full on mockery on incels. We do not intend the mockery to be solely for comedic value but to also represent them as victims

Another social group we represent are mothers of victims. Mothers of victims are usually represented as emotional, caring much for their lost ones. However, we chose to subvert it for comedy points. Instead of Ms. Harvard Cambridge crying over her child she instead celebrates her loss. We chose to parody Cambridge in her name because we are a mockumentary. It is part of genre conventions to parody or satire. 

How does your product engage with the audience?

Our product engages with the audience through the thumbnail. Our thumbnail is used to attract audiences by summing up the content of our documentary into one single image. We use this tool to appeal to their demographic and psychographics. 

The content of our documentary also appears to their demographics and psychographics. We used actors who were of an age range of our target audiences. Because of this we hope that our product will be more attractive to them. We also utilise Uses and Gratification theory by Bulmer and Katz. Our documentary serves as a form of diversion for our audience from reality. We also intend for our product to be used by our audience to form social relations. 

Our product will also cause our audience to be desensitised (compassion fatigue theory) to violence. There are scenes where Steven attacks the narrator and the cameraman, this may cause the audience to feel as though this is normalised for mentally ill people.

How did your product research inform your products and the way they use or challenge conventions?

Manndemic is a mockumentary. We looked into other mockumentaries such as Borat or American Vandal. Through that we decided to use conventions of normal documentaries. The graphics, the tone of the narrator and the way the camera was used fit the standard conventions commonly seen in documentaries. We decided to keep the camera work professional and remove some dialogue deemed “too unprofessional” such as Damarius saying “Hey let’s get it!” as it would more resemble a Youtube video rather than a proper documentary which would go against our aims. We took the handheld style of the camera from Borat in order to give it a more improv or real-time feel to make it feel more genuine for our audience. We also had our narrator talk to the camera directly which is uncommon for many health/medicine documentaries. We decided to do this to show the audience that it was more of a self-produced product. This was done to go against common narratives that documentaries are professional and high-budget

Behind the scenes - September 9

 This is a post describing the behind the scenes progress by Jason

Sep 9 2023

Niki B eating fried tempeh and raw chilli

We started the day off by meeting up in Regents Secondary School. To finish up some shots to explain the Bufo Ferulabitus. We agreed to arrive at 8:30 but Jason arrived at 8:40, Gus arrived at 8:45, Niki and Baron arrived at 9:00. Because we were late we immediately got to work filming
The shot Gus Yudha was trying to take, Niki just made a funny pose for the camera

Baron holding Gus Yudha because he has to stand on a precarious position

We were starting to get hungry so I bought Tempeh

We swiftly wrapped up our shooting and made our way to Renon Park. Because we were on motorbikes, we were not able to photograph ourselves on the way there.

A photograph of Niki being filmed while Baron avoids being in frame

A shot of them discussing
After that they had to film at one of the corners and I had to care for our items as there was a high risk of theft

Our items, consisting of many valuable electronics and helmets

shot of Niki sitting down

Niki posing for the camera

After that we went for lunch, rendezvous with Deva at Pande Putri then we went straight off to Gemi's house.

Niki and Gus resting at Gemi's house

Gus waiting at the ladder to capture a photo of our butt's going down

Niki explaining to Deva how to embody his part

Right after that we got straight to filming, first up was the car scene.

Niki, still really tired for some reason

Baron, Deva and Gus waiting outside the car
Right after that we went back and got into costume to start filming the last few scenes we needed for that day

    Me in costume

Deva embodying his part
Unfortunately filming stopped here and we returned back home to rest and start the rest of the process


This post contains the screenplay for the Manndemic which is a collaboration of all members


Scene One: Intro @ Park

“Start with black screen”

Black screen with data and statistics about incel

(Short pause)

(news reports start playing)

Damarius(kind of like the guy from american vandal)

 The Conc. Scientific name Bufo Ferulabitus


They are the unfortunate men with an absolute fear of interaction with the opposite gender.

(start incel montage - look at @cringecentral on ig)


whether it's because they are terminally online, or they simply lack the confidence to even approach them. 

(full shot of Damarius at school speaking to camera)


 The root of the problem is a disease called Bufo Ferulabitus. (start clip of us wearing hazmat suit) Highly infectious and dangerous.

(J-cut to stevens house)


 We visit the nest of a known Bufo Ferulabitus patient

-narration ends-

Scene Two: The House

-In front of Steven’s House-


 Alright, now we are at the front of the nest of a Coitus Evito patient named Steven. We are going to enter and find out more about his disease.

-Damarius walks to the security guard-


 Clearance please

(Side midshot of Damrius showing clearance for crew and himself)

-cut to security explaining what to do-


 Remember that Coitus Evito by direct contact is an incredibly infectious disease.

-undershot of security from between the crew members-


 If he takes any of you hostage, the SCP foundation will not negotiate the release of any of you, is that clear.

-cut noise, start foreboding music-

-slow jump cuts of us walking towards the door-

-music stops, door knob opens-

-phone camera POV shots of Damarius clearing the first few angles slowly heavy breathing-

-After clearing, POV shot of Damarius diving to behind the countertop-


 Ninja… Huaiyaaa

-cut to camera behind him recording him crawl + smash zoom-


 Ninjaaaa…. (synced with smash zoom)

-Rest of the crew start jumping as well-

-pov shot of Damarius looking for the incel-

-cut to camera behind him of him returning cover-


 I see the incel in his natural habitat, right where I expect him to be. We must creep up behind him slowly to avoid combat

-creepy music starts-

*cut to camera hiding behind countertop*

*POV shot of Damarius poking the incel with a stick*


 HISSSSSSSS (preferably like a snake) 

*smash zoom into incel*

Damarius(slightly worried)

 Its ok we have no women with us! Its ok! Its ok!


 *Hyperventilating from aggression*


 we're here to ask you a few questions are you alright with that?

*Incel nods head*


 So when did you contract this disease?


 *Unintelligible murmuring*


 Could you repeat your answer?


 *Faster unintelligible murmuring*


 *Facepalms his face in disbelief* (stressed) the interview can’t go like this 

Damarius (in narration)

 I was in despair, I didn’t know what to do. And as if things could not get worse.

*accidently drops the microphone*


 Oh god what do we do now? *looks at crew* *Camera quick pans to crew* Can you guys pick that up? 

*Crew shakes head while saying no*

*Off camera steven picks up microphone, approaches Damarius, camera pans back to Damarius, Damarius jumps back*

Damarius (In total fear)

 AHHHH! IT'S GOT A WEAPON! QUICK PLAN B! (POV shot of crew or Damarius, Steven slowly approaching Damarius*

*Crew pulls out pictures of kpop idols and starts chanting gibberish, steven freaks out, camera continuously switches POV and main camera, Steven drops the microphone and hurdles in a corner, Damarius pulls the microphone back using stick while steven screams*



(this part is tentative, steven hunting)

*POV shot of cameraman trying to open the door*


 Crap!! It won’t open, There's the security guard!

*POV shot of cameraman looking at security guard outside, security guard signalling to stay quiet*

*Main camera overlooking the situation, hiding behind the countertop, steven missing*

Main Cameraman: Where is he?!

*Blackout, shouting turns to whispering, undershot of steven doing FNAF 1 Freddy jingle + flash*

*POV shot of cameramen trying to work together to get out from behind countertop*

*Montage of trying to escape*

*one cameraman gets captured*

*everyone else escapes*


Scene Three: The Mother’s Interview

3 weeks later + Establishing shot of Damarius walking in the school

Damarius (emotional)

: Steven’s case is a very interesting one. If we can’t find answers from inside that house then we can find it from someplace elsewhere.

Damarius (emotional+tracking midshot)

 Right now we are at the school where Steven grew up to meet a very special woman.

*Shot of Ms Nana sitting down, blurred background*


 Steven was a very healthy boy, very interactive with everyone, incredibly extroverted. He was normal (stuttery), everyday he would play video games with the other boys, have laughs with them at the canteen, he was my second favourite child. (sobs)

Damarius (off camera)

 When did it all change?


 It was after the birthday party at Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. He came home with an extreme fever and the next morning he just wasn’t my Steven anymore. At first I was celebrating, I didn’t have to feed his butt any more.


 I’m sorry, Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria?



*insert vine boom here*

*Shots of freddy fazbear’s pizzeria*


 why was he there in the first place?


 It was Johnny’s birthday party, he went there. He was looking forward to the party for a long time.


 The other boys? Were they fine?  


They were.

-Montage of social media content slowly turning into incel-

Damarius (narration over montage) 

Indeed it was after the visit to Freddy Fazbear’s where Steven started showing the symptoms of the incel. As it was a holiday right after that, the infection was minimised as he started inadvertently isolating himself at home playing genshin impact. Over time his masculine behaviour started to deteriorate. (start clips of him starting to make cringe tik toks) His abnormal behaviour was closely watched by the SCP foundation who quickly closed down Freddy Fazbear’s

(Breaking fourth wall, in the office)


 With that in mind, we had to find out more, we are going to Freddy Fazbear’s

Scene Four: Updates

- 2 weeks before- Freddy Fazbear’s visit

*POV phone camera recording cameraman 1 inside acting like an incel*

*Phone switches camera*


 I think he's got the virus (disappointed + despair)

-Because that one idiot got infected, we all had to quarantine-

*Phone shot of Damarius being shoved in Jimny*

Possible Hooks

-1st hook-

Damarius (during freeze frame)

 Today our goal is to change this into …

*black cut, camera following us sneak into parking lot 

*Hiding behind wall / bush

*Handheld zoom in on incel holding a conversation w a woman, looking more proper

*Camera zooms back out to medium over-the-shoulder of Damarius looking proud

*mic guy drops the mic, we panic

*camera zooms in on incel noticing the sound, looking in our direction

*run back the way we came from