
Behind the scenes - September 9

 This is a post describing the behind the scenes progress by Jason

Sep 9 2023

Niki B eating fried tempeh and raw chilli

We started the day off by meeting up in Regents Secondary School. To finish up some shots to explain the Bufo Ferulabitus. We agreed to arrive at 8:30 but Jason arrived at 8:40, Gus arrived at 8:45, Niki and Baron arrived at 9:00. Because we were late we immediately got to work filming
The shot Gus Yudha was trying to take, Niki just made a funny pose for the camera

Baron holding Gus Yudha because he has to stand on a precarious position

We were starting to get hungry so I bought Tempeh

We swiftly wrapped up our shooting and made our way to Renon Park. Because we were on motorbikes, we were not able to photograph ourselves on the way there.

A photograph of Niki being filmed while Baron avoids being in frame

A shot of them discussing
After that they had to film at one of the corners and I had to care for our items as there was a high risk of theft

Our items, consisting of many valuable electronics and helmets

shot of Niki sitting down

Niki posing for the camera

After that we went for lunch, rendezvous with Deva at Pande Putri then we went straight off to Gemi's house.

Niki and Gus resting at Gemi's house

Gus waiting at the ladder to capture a photo of our butt's going down

Niki explaining to Deva how to embody his part

Right after that we got straight to filming, first up was the car scene.

Niki, still really tired for some reason

Baron, Deva and Gus waiting outside the car
Right after that we went back and got into costume to start filming the last few scenes we needed for that day

    Me in costume

Deva embodying his part
Unfortunately filming stopped here and we returned back home to rest and start the rest of the process

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