
Thumbnail research


Bodyguard (2018)

- bold serious font stretching 1st-2nd thirds of the thumbnail

- opposite brightness on the halves of the screen

- Subject dominates right third of thumbnail

- Netflix trademark on top left

How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) (2019)

- Themathic font spanning half the thumbnail

- Subject on opposite half on text

- Opposing color on each half of thumbnail

- Netflix trademark on top left

- Subject looks at camera

- White text on darker background

Breaking Bad (2008)

- Subject takes centre of thumbnail

- Contains main character of the story

- Text dominates only right third of the thumbnail

- looks a lot like a screenshot

- white text on darker background (aided by shadow effect)

Bojack Horseman (2014)

- Subjects take entire focus

- font isolated on lower right third

- Font goes over top of subject

- Netflix trademark seen on top left

- Bright text on bright background

Cunk On Earth (2022)

- Font isolated on left half of thumbnail

- Subject isolated on right half of thumbnail

- Themathic backdrop summarising content

- Netflix trademark seen on top left

- Subject looks at camera

- dark text on bright background

Reflection: We decided to conform to a convention where we would have the text from our thumbnail dominate the middle and right side of our thumbnail with our subject taking the other part. We decided that the text should not go over the subject as it looks a bit dirty and unprofessional. 

We will subvert stereotypes by making our thumbnail very void of color. We find this necessary as we can use this as mis-en-scene to suggest the void of Steven's mind and how devoid he is of human interaction. Our subject will also not face the camera to also show this fact through mis-ens-scene

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