
Thumbnail production

 These are the initial sketches for our thumbnail ideas sketches were made together, blog assembled by Niki B.

Here are two thumbnails i took inspiration from for this concept

This is our final thumbnail

- The black room with the man behind a brightly lit screen is representative of how stereotypically, people like our main subject 'Steven', incels, are usually considered shut-ins who don't usually step out of their own room, hooked onto something on their screen/internet

- The spacing between MANN and DEMIC is a play on the word to show how this "man" (Steven) is separated from the people "demic". 

- The Tagline "Bridging the Divide" is our interpretation of this documentary, where we aim to explore this separation between man/woman as well as man/society, as to bring them together for this first patient.

- The crack on the screen signifies how he would be considered a 'broken' human being, straying away from the concept of society, no longer conforming to the idea that humans are social creatures.

- The Netflix logo on the top left is to show where our documentary would be released to be viewed by audiences.

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