
Music Video Lipsync Mini-project

This post is about a project we did together in class in order to practice our production skills. This post was composed by me. 

Today in class, Mr Nick told us that we would have to create several clips for a music video with our team. The song was "I Want it That Way" by Backstreet Boys. Mr Nick was unfortunately inspired by one of our team members to use this song.

The song in question

To begin, I felt highly doubtful that we would even do anything productive. We were only given a 1 hour time frame to plan and record our clips which felt like it was far too little. Time management will be a real issue here. Our phone cameras also lack quality, which may result in especially poor results. None of us have previously lip-synced for a video and it has been a long time since I went to a Karaoke, meaning that our performance was likely to be incredibly poor.

We sent our video to Mr Nick and then he compiled the results of every group

Post production reflection:

That probably went better than I expected. Time was defenitely an issue as we only got 2 clips done when Mr Nick told us to come back to class, causing us to rush the last scene. Camerawork was probably something I overlooked. We definitely need to practice our shots before actually applying them. Sticking to our storyboard might also be a great idea as it is difficult to find good shots on the fly. When we are going to actually going to record our music video, I feel like we need to put extra attention towards our storyboard and actually stick to it as it would make it a lot easier to create better shots. We might also need location scouting beforehand as in our school it is difficult to find interesting locations. Performances are also something that I think should be must-rehearse. Maybe it could also help to get someone who is more familiar with lip-syncing. We should definitely get a better camera as well

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