
Moodboard (Music Video)

 This post contains the mood board that we constructed together. Unfortunately due to technical issues I was not able to upload onto the canva we used to construct this.

During class Mr Nick told us to construct mood boards for our upcoming music video project. So we used Pinterest, a site frequently used by Rania on our team. 

A sample screenshot of their website

This website would allow us to find images that fit a certain topic then save the ones we liked into a folder called "boards". How convenient!

But because I essentially had no experience on this website. I could not figure out how to save something into a certain board, making me save it onto my main profile which would make it difficult to share. We got over this by just making my profile public.

Then came the bigger issue, the shared file on Canva could not load on my computer. I tried it on multiple accounts. To go around it, I ended up sending my images to Rania and Niki and have them construct it

Here is the result:

Looking at this board, there are some aesthetics that we will have trouble replicating, especially those with cities as Denpasar is not too bright and local religious law prevents the constructions of tall buildings. However, beach aesthetics are a big win as we have multiple world class beaches just minutes away from our school

Reflection: Going forward we will have to consider options other than Canva if the issue persists. other than that, creating a moodboard seems like a good guide to create our storyboard or to come up with scenes for our music video.

The moodboard definitely help us determine the location and the lighting of our music video. I believe it played a huge role in keeping our video on theme.

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