

 This blog post is about regulations which we had to follow during the production and release of our product. This was constructed by me.

1. Achieving SU Indonesia rating.

SU (Semua Umur) rating in Indonesia is equivalent to being suitable for all ages. In order to achieve this, we have to show no verbal or non-verbal violence, nudity, perdukunan (Closely related to black magic in Indonesia), sexual activity (anything beyond and including kissing are not allowed, hugging is typically allowed) and unlawful behavior. There is also a general trend for horror and action movies to be immediately sent to the 13+ category.

Because we had to show our music video to 7th Graders who may be as young as 12, we were forced to fulfil the requirements of this category as there is no specific PG category in Indonesia. We also considered potential backlash from parents if we were to show them something remotely inappropriate. 

2. Following Cambridge advice

When we started our project, Mr Nick gave us the feedback from Cambridge about the Component 3s that were submitted last year. There were warnings against the use of drugs, violence, self harm, dangerous stunts, risky vehicular stunts.

We are going to use a car in our music video, however, we have consulted with Mr Nick to ensure that our plans for the car are not too dangerous and appropriate for our age. Indonesian law states that the legal age to obtain a license is 17, however is socially acceptable for students as use as 12 to be using motorbikes without a license.

3. Mr Nick's Advice (update mid-february)

During filming, there was a shot which we included in our draft which had one of our actors appear to mouth the "F" word. Mr Nick told us to remove although there was no sound in that scene. We tried to argue that they won't figure out that he said the "F" word. I didn't even realise it until Mr Nick pointed it out. However since he was the teacher, we had to follow his rules. So we cut that part out of the scene and started the driving jump cuts earlier.

Following regulations is a must. We had to identify the laws which may constrain us before we accidentally attempt something illegal or inappropriate. It prevents us from getting into trouble which I think is a plus in any situation. This will also ensure that our filming and release can continue smoothly

Screen test



 These are the results of our first screentest conducted on one of our romance story candidates, Melon. This test was filmed by Niki + Baron + Rania. Unfortunately I was not able to join due to clashing schedules.

As we didnt have much of our structure or storyboard at the time, this was just used to get an idea of what kind of chemistry we want between the two characters. Through this screentest it was clear to us that having a 'bromance' setting would be hard to conduct in a serious manner with people from our school, so we decided to go with a classic romance setting.


 This is the initial draft of our screenplay constructed by me (Jason)




>Cut in

EXT 1:


WE CUT into establishing shot of the car from a slightly low angle, ambient noise is heard. Lights on in the car RANIA and NIKI are inside with NIKI in the driver’s seat. The two are seen being playful with each other.

>Cut to


CAMERA CUTS into NIKI and RANIA having a conversation with one another romantically. Lights are on in this scene, ambient sounds should be toned down. (00.01)

CAMERA CUTS to NIKI talking to RANIA, environment remains the same


(looking at Rania)

I love this moment, it's got everything. The Lights, the mood and you

CAMERA CUTS to shot of the couple from outside the windshield


(laughs softly)

Stop it babe!

CAMERA CUTS to midshot of NIKI. NIKI waits until Rania stops laughing


(looking a bit sad)

I wish this cut last foreve-

>Cut to song performance

In the end, we did not feel the need for a screenplay as we feel it may overcomplicate things especially when filming as we finalized our decision to not have any character speak in the video itself. Instead, we will rely more heavily on the storyboard as it more easily details movements and emotions in our opinions


 This is the storyboard which my team member Niki produced.

Reflection: producing a storyboard helped us make our shooting go faster and smoother. We did not need to argue of what to do and so we got onto set and just started filming easily. This is a real time-saver.

Location Scouting + Risk Assesment

 This is the location scouting we have done for this project, this was assembled by me.

Because this quite early in the development stage, I decided to take initial images from google maps, We will probably go here during the semester break.


Pantai Sanur

Purpose of the shoot:

We want to create some extra footage that we can crosscut with the performance video and record some additional performance clips here

Media Language:

Sunset, empty beach, bare feet in the sand, urban costume (not beachwear)

Pros of Location: 

Very near, looks very good, cheap parking, relatively safe, easy access for equipment, many spots to choose from

Cons of Location

Could be crowded, some spots are a bit dirty, there is construction ongoing, weather is questionable early in the year

Alternative location: 

Mertasari Beach, Kuta Beach


Potential Hazards

Tsunami, Earthquake, Rain

Evaluate Risks

Big earthquakes are quite unlikely given that they occur about once every 100 years, we can ignore earthquakes and tsunamis because of that. The only possibility is rain. Little rain came in during the rainy season which may mean extreme weather conditions coming up

Control Measures and Timeframe implementation

  • Prepare a place to runaway to in the case of a Tsunami (probably Gemi’s house)

  • Prepare extra rain coats to cover electronics in the event that it rains suddenly.

  • Plan our recording day based on the weather forecast

  • Go on weekdays, forget weekends


  • Mertasari Beach

  • Kuta Beach


Location Assessment

Purpose of the shoot:

When the characters are spending time together 

Media Language:

Sunset, dark but not too dark, silhouettes, calm waters, not crowded

Pros of Location: 

Its empty most of the time, has other natural features like lake, river, and a park next to it so we can shoot other things as well,

Cons of Location

Not super far but not that close to where we all live. Farthest location from the school so far.

Alternative location: 

Pantai Sanur


Potential Hazards

  • There are some ditches that are hard to spot at night because it is not well lit.

  • Rain

Evaluate Risks

Pretty dangerous, if anyone were to fall they may get injured.

Rain will ruin the video

Control Measures and Timeframe implementation

Make sure to be aware of the surroundings before shooting, light the dangerous parts with a torch

Level 21 Mall Indoors

Location Assessment

Purpose of the shoot:

Date scenes

Media Language:

Bright lights showing in the brightest part of the relationship

Pros of Location: 

Lots of ambience

Cons of Location

Hard to film, public property and crowded

Alternative location: 

Living World


Potential Hazards

Crowd of people

Evaluate Risks

No space to film, people bumping into each other, walking in front of camera

Control Measures and Timeframe implementation

None, we have no exclusive rights to this building and Niki lives far away, he might be very late


Level 21/Genteng Biru

Location Assessment

Purpose of the shoot:


Media Language:

Outdoors, brightly lit at night, lots of pedestrians

Pros of Location: 

Has tons of shops and cafes, so we can also shoot inside stores.

Cons of Location

Quite crowded, although we want it to be that way we could also be obstructing traffic and disturbing pedestrians

Alternative location: 


Potential Hazards

Getting hit by a car or bike.

Evaluate Risks

Not super dangerous, vehicles stop for pedestrians in this street

Control Measures and Timeframe implementation

Be wary of surroundings, have someone help block the way when recording.


Living World photobooth

Location Assessment

Purpose of the shoot:

To convey the message of love through the characters bonding with each other

Media Language:

Bright lighting, colourful clothes and props such as headbands, characters smiling and having fun, good decoration

Pros of Location: 

Well decorated, photogenic spots to shoot such as led light, realistic 

Cons of Location

Schedule problems, overcrowding due to rush hour; possibly delay shooting, noisy. As it is a public space it’s hard to control extraneous variables such as lighting 

Alternative location: 

Bridge in Mertasari beach conveys the same message yet it may be easier to access, cheaper option and easier to not be delayed by overcrowding or rush hour.


Potential Hazards

Faulty wires, uncontrollable crowds, fire hazard, hard to film, no space. 

Evaluate Risks

Regarding the space, as it is public it might be hard for cameramen to bring hefty equipment in tight spaces. This may delay us from getting the right shot and may hence may result in a lot of retakes over incidents such as people walking in front of cameras.

Control Measures and Timeframe implementation

Before we film, we can inspect the booth as there are multiple we can look over any wires that are open or look at the equipment in the booth to make it safe for the actors. For fire hazards or earthquakes we will make sure to implement training and drills so that we have the right resources to deal with any situation. 

Rania will be in charge of this location

Update: 9/01/23

We approached our teacher about the use of Automobiles in our video, he advised against it but told us to make sure that we have the following:

- License

- Parent's permission

- No dangerous stunts

We fulfilled all of these requirements so we were able to get our Teacher's permission. We also trusted our driving skills as we have seen each other drive across in the production of other media projects.

Reflection: These images only show so much of the location. If we want proper scouting we will have to go there. I think I will bring my drone (previously featured on Component 1) to allow for better scouting so we can reach more areas at once.

After completing our location scouting, it allows to do a qualitative analysis to compare each location with each other. With this resources we can make more educated decisions, we don't have much time left so this allows us to prepare to prevent reshoots and reschedules