

 This blog post is about regulations which we had to follow during the production and release of our product. This was constructed by me.

1. Achieving SU Indonesia rating.

SU (Semua Umur) rating in Indonesia is equivalent to being suitable for all ages. In order to achieve this, we have to show no verbal or non-verbal violence, nudity, perdukunan (Closely related to black magic in Indonesia), sexual activity (anything beyond and including kissing are not allowed, hugging is typically allowed) and unlawful behavior. There is also a general trend for horror and action movies to be immediately sent to the 13+ category.

Because we had to show our music video to 7th Graders who may be as young as 12, we were forced to fulfil the requirements of this category as there is no specific PG category in Indonesia. We also considered potential backlash from parents if we were to show them something remotely inappropriate. 

2. Following Cambridge advice

When we started our project, Mr Nick gave us the feedback from Cambridge about the Component 3s that were submitted last year. There were warnings against the use of drugs, violence, self harm, dangerous stunts, risky vehicular stunts.

We are going to use a car in our music video, however, we have consulted with Mr Nick to ensure that our plans for the car are not too dangerous and appropriate for our age. Indonesian law states that the legal age to obtain a license is 17, however is socially acceptable for students as use as 12 to be using motorbikes without a license.

3. Mr Nick's Advice (update mid-february)

During filming, there was a shot which we included in our draft which had one of our actors appear to mouth the "F" word. Mr Nick told us to remove although there was no sound in that scene. We tried to argue that they won't figure out that he said the "F" word. I didn't even realise it until Mr Nick pointed it out. However since he was the teacher, we had to follow his rules. So we cut that part out of the scene and started the driving jump cuts earlier.

Following regulations is a must. We had to identify the laws which may constrain us before we accidentally attempt something illegal or inappropriate. It prevents us from getting into trouble which I think is a plus in any situation. This will also ensure that our filming and release can continue smoothly

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